We went in for our 2-week check up on the ears last Wednesday. Dr. Gessner looked at both ears and said they were clear. HOORAY, right!?!?
Thursday night he was feeling warm so we took his temperature - fever. Other than that virus he had at the beginning of April the only reason he gets a fever is ear infection. We kept him home from daycare Friday and kept him on tylenol for the fever. We called the pediatrician Friday evening and she said it would be best to get him in to their office in the morning so we did. One ear was clear but his right ear was a mess. Now we're on another, stronger antibiotic (Omnicef) and hopefully that will do the trick. I really want one of those ear scopes myself so I can check him!!
The meds seem to have helped so I think we're on the mend. At least I hope so!