Monday, July 11, 2011

Bullets again! What we've been up to!

- We did end up up for Gymboree class and Tyler really enjoys it! The class is on Saturdays and not too far from home.

- Tyler had to attend his first funeral last week, for his great-grandfather Clyde Gray. He was very good for the whirlwind trip to Richmond & back, and he was great with his Grammy Kay.

- Knock wood, he's been healthy even with his umpteen teeth coming in!

- We saw a Physical Therapist this past week for consultation on his walking (or, more correctly, not walking). We had noticed that his feet turning in seem to hamper his walking, and the PT agreed with us. We are going to start with new shoes and exercises at home and go back to PT in a week.

- Tyler loves Bubble Guppies (on Nick)! We have several episodes recorded and each and every time we put on on he gets really excited.

- He's getting more and more words now....very exciting to watch him process when we ask him something!