Monday, May 3, 2010


Friday, we took a family adventure out to Southpoint Mall. We had to get a b-day present, a graduation present, and a mother's day present (all at Pandora). We also popped into Hallmark (yay for Gold Crown coupons) and Gymboree (nothing we had to have and all expensive). Fun trip!

Then we went to dinner at Nick & Kristen's, which was tons of fun. Their new home is beautiful. And they gave us some tips to combat Tyler's gassiness.

Saturday we were planning to go to a dinner surprise party and take Tyler with us. Then, my SIL, Amy, asked if she could come by and see Tyler that evening. I took a chance and asked her if she wanted to watch him while we went out to dinner. She snapped up the opportunity which was so generous of her. Knowing that he was with someone who had a vested interest in him (his aunt), and who has 3 children so she knows what to do made the evening really easy for both Eric and me. He was a good baby for her, and MIL and FIL came by to see him over there too. They had been up at the lake that day or we'd have asked them to watch him. :)

We had a nice night out to celebrate Amanda's birthday and graduation. Yummy Mexican food, and fun times with good friends.

Tyler's still eating an avg of 7 times a day, and he'sup to 6 bottles of formula per day, 1 bottle of breastmilk, so I'm working on reducing my supply by pumping once a day (as opposed to 7, then 5, then 3, then 2).

He's still very gassy so yesterday I packed him up and we went to BRU to get some Gripe Water. That is supposed to help with gas. It was actually an easier than expected trip. The Gripe Water seems to help, but we gave it to him before bedtime last night and he would NOT fall asleep for anything!

1 comment:

  1. Mary, you *know* better than to go into Gymbo with out a game plan. (Or at the very least, a coupon!) Never ever look at the prices, because if you're doing it right, you're not paying retail. We'll have to have a remedial session. ;D
