Saturday, July 3, 2010

June was a blur!

June flew by in our household this year. With getting into the daycare/going back to work routine, I guess I didn't have time to post. Here's what we've been up to:


  • Tyler is continuing on his schedule of eating at 10pm, sleeping thru until his 6 am bottle, and then eating again at 10 am, 2pm, and 6pm. Most days I have to wake him for 10pm and 6am, but its going well. He went to the pediatrician on the 11th because he had a few big spit-ups and we thought the reflux was acting up again. We saw a different doctor in the practice and she thought we were feeding him too much. She recommended cutting back to 5 oz per feeding and adding 1 teaspoon of rice cereal to his bottle to thicken it up just a little. We tried that and it seems to be working out well.
  • He had his 4 month appointment yesterday, and is doing great. He's in the 37th percentile for weight, so he is maintaining his growth well. He's 23.5 inches and his head circumference is 16.5 inches. Physically and developmentally he is doing great. The doctor said at his age he can sleep 10-12 hours at a time, so we can cut out the 10 pm feeding (that we're having to wake him up for) and each of his other daily feedings he will likely want more. So, we're going to work on that and getting him into his crib over the next few weeks. Once we get that under control, we'll think about moving him to regular formula (as opposed to Alimentum), perhaps stopping his Zantac, and then starting him on solids (well, baby food). Exciting stuff!
  • My mom and dad sent him a really cute outfit that was a shirt and shorts. He mostly wears onesies, but looked so cute in the shirt and shorts that I had to buy him some more. Love Kohl's.
  • He and I got Eric tickets to Lewis Black for Father's Day.
  • I got a new car! Well, new to me. It's a 2007 Ford Explorer, so I'm back in an SUV again. I loved my last SUV and had searches set up at for Toyota Highlanders, Toyota 4Runners, and Honda Pilots. One of my coworkers just bought a 2007 Ford Explorer and really liked it, and I had already been warming to the idea of a Ford, so I added that to my searches and one popped up a couple of weeks ago. It was equipped just how I wanted it (loaded), and had just under 47k miles. The price was right, CarMax was great to deal with (as always), and USAA financed it with no headaches. My payment went down, our insurance stayed the same, and I might even love this car more than I loved my Highlander. Now it's time to find a new car for Eric.
  • Eric hurt his shoulder at the beginning of the month and for a few weeks was unable to even hold Tyler. He's been keeping it iced and trying not to use it, which helped it heal, but we were both worried that he'd have to have surgery. Thankfully, at his last doctor's appt, they said it was healing well on its own and he should be as good as new in another 3-4 weeks. I know it bummed him out to not be able to hold Tyler, or help with feedings, so I'm glad it's healing well.
  • My work moved buildings and the new building is closer to home. It's about the same distance from daycare, but less traffic stops so I get to work sooner. We've gotten into a routine where I'm dropping Tyler off around 8 am and am at work by 8:15 at the latest. I pick him up on M, T, and W and then Eric picks him up on Th and F. Once Eric goes to a M-F schedule, he'll do pick up each day after he gets off at 4pm. Hopefully that will be soon. J
  • New work location is right across the street from a Starbucks. Danger!!
  • Tyler seems to like daycare too. He is in a room with 7 other babies, and his two main teachers are wonderful. We've been really pleased with the daycare we chose.
  • We bought a pile of kid books, and are trying to read to Tyler every so often, and will incorporate it into his nightly routine (once we get one established). We also bought some kid songs on iTunes (the CD is called "Party like a Preschooler", LOL) for us to have on in the car. So, each day I come into work with a different kids' song stuck in my head. Do your ears hang low…?

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