Tuesday, March 9, 2010

beautiful weather + rockstar parking + Happy Baby = a great day!!

Tuesday, 3/9:

The morning routine started out the same as yesterday. Eric called the NICU before heading to work today, and got a good report from the nurse on Tyler's night. He's been eating really well, and one of his overnight feedings was 50 ml! Go Tyler!

I woke up when Eric left for work, and pumped. Then I did some internet surfing, ate some cereal, got some errand-type stuff done (catching up on the budget, etc), and by then it was time to pump again. I did so, then showered and got ready to head out.

My feet were swollen yesterday so I made a concerted effort to drink more water today. I think by the time I'd left the house (10:30 am), I'd already had 60 oz, hooray!

When I got to Tyler's bedside he was snoozing. A couple of minutes later the doctors came around on their rounds and I got to hear the latest & greatest news on him. His bilirubin level went down again, so that is good news. No As (apnea episodes) or Bs (bradys) overnight (hoooray!) and his temperature was good. He ate well, too. I asked about the heart murmur and Dr. Kicklighter listened to his heart and said he didn't hear it, and the nurse practitioner who had heard it before did the same with the same result. So the plan is to continue feeding and let him grow. Also, they are going to move him to an open crib and see how he does. Good news all around!

We did more breastfeeding, and it went really well. Probably the best session we've had so far. The lactation consultant weighed him before and after so we know how much he got. His schedule is to eat a minimum of 35 mls per feeding, and he got 16 mls during our session, and a bottle of 20 ml. He was very alert when he went back in his isolette, so I bet he would have taken a little more. I hated leaving while he was awake so I just hung out for a bit til he closed his eyes, then headed home.

My feet have been swollen so I have been trying to relax this afternoon with my feet up. I had lunch, pumped, and have been chilling out and watching TV (DVRd shows) for most of the afternoon. I did vacuum the 3rd floor. Normally I'd do the whole house at once but I think I'm gonna do it over 5 days - 3rd floor, stairs, 2nd floor, stairs, and 1st floor.

I also threw a load of Tyler-clothes in the washer since he peed on his preemie clothes today!

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