Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the last week or so in bullets...

Not a whole lot to report yet...Tyler is doing great.

- Continuing to eat like a champ, and sleep (and pee and poop).

- He's geting too big for his preemie diapers, so we got some newborn sized diapers and will start using those in the next few days.

- The cats and dog have sniffed him and apparently approved.

- I'm continuing to pump and we're feeding him using a bottle, which is working out great. We added Tri-Vi-Sol per the doctor's recommendation.

- Tyler's very fussy/burpy and has recently started spitting up, which is completely normal but messy!

- everything in his room finally has a place (yay!) and we rocked in the glider the other day for the first time. That chair is comfy!

- baby monitor came in today - yay!

- Amanda & Rob came over last weekend and we cooked out - fun! They also brought Tyler a cute little outfit for Easter (which is next weekend! eek!).

1 comment:

  1. Good he is growing and seem to be a healthy little champion!

    Hugs "Aunt Ann-Marie
