Had a great week last week. Survived all week on my own while Eric worked, and went for the pedicure (and brow wax) on Thursday. We didn't do anything exciting - the week was more about getting a routine down. I added shows to the DVR list so that I have things to watch in the middle of the night for feeding/pumping time. Ordered a few things online to help make things easier. And later in the week (was it Saturday), we took Tyler out on a stroller ride thru the neighborhood. Tyler had his first easter this week and we didn't do much since he's just 5 weeks old. My friend Amanda got him a cute onesie that he wore, and that's about it for this year. Pumping is going well although his intake is going up too - so I think we'll be supplementing in the next month or so. He's at 100 ml/meal, and I weighed him on our scale - according to it, he's 7.5 lbs. Can't wait til the pediatrician appt later this month! My parents also sent an Easter card, and signed it "Grandma & Grandpa" which I thought was cute :) And Eric's parents brought us Easter dinner -yum! He's also gaining strength in his neck and back. We started him doing "tummy time" and today he lifted and turned his head several times.
In other news, we got our tax refund in already - well, our federal. Still waiting on the state of NC. Also got the credit reports checked, caught up on thank you notes, and cleaned the house on Sunday.
Moving forward day by day!
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