Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week two down!

Today's Eric's "Friday" (since he works S, M, T, W 10 hour shifts) so we have survived another week; hooray! Eric was home sick on Monday so it kinda doesn't count, but still. Today's schedule was a little messed up - he's taken to eating every 2 to 2.5 hours and that is throwing things off. Plus, I am meeting the girls for dinner and was trying to mentally schedule everything so I can head out as soon as Eric gets home. I think we're back on track for the most part now.

I have no bottoms that fit. And mostly t-shirts to wear. I didn't know that my maternity/post-partum wardrobe would be yoga pants and t-shirts but that's what it turned out to be! I would like to have something a little more presentable pants-wise but I still have a few pregnancy pounds (and my old jeans were tight to start out), so I'm stuck with the yoga pants.

I made appointments today to get my haircut (haven't done that since October!), and to get hte animals all to the vet. Cats are overdue and the dog needs her 6-month shots. So I got all that taken care of today - whoo hoo!

Off to dinner soon!

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